god is only an imagnie, by MissBeckyBoob Subscribe to rss feed for MissBeckyBoob

god is brin washed in to us 
he is not real he dose not stand 4 us

he wouldnt let people suffer so badly if he truely cared

he specks of peace but he says and eye for an eye?

i say bullshit people say we course all this evil or selfs?

i say if he was real were is the new jeuse?
they expected us to belive in him
but at the sametime we now deep down the bible is a book of
imagnie and bootiful lies

no im not someone saying your an idoit for beliveing in him
im someone saying look at the real world open your eyes

give us today or daily bread delivery us from evil?

ha dont joke me around

god is belived by people that deep down are scared to know
there is nothing more  after this blood covered world  deep
down they need something to make the world a bettle place in
there minds 

they say forgive those who hurt you

but christins would judgy unwed mothers they would call them
whores? that dont sound so forgiving to me 

next time you bow to pray to urselfs and start talking to

think of whats around bcuz churchs are apart of the
goverment an other way to brainwash people and get them to
belive what the want them to and give moeny to something
that will never pay off

you mite not like what my poems saying but its only bcuz you
cant accpet what im saying cuz accpting would be accpeting
there nothing after this
Posted: 2008-04-11 22:31:38 UTC

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