does youRR heart glisten, by waterlily Subscribe to rss feed for waterlily

does youRR heart glisten
when you happen to listen

hearing my child pants in the night
animal sounds that give me fright

does youRR heart glisten
when you happen to listen

hearing my desires so plain
my submission lust is your gain

does youRR heart glisten
when you happen to listen
Posted: 2005-10-13 21:22:08 UTC

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2005-10-13 21:47:22 ♥ Break The Tradition
good poem origional and it makes me wonder...what did you mean i'm heartless though

2005-10-13 21:55:33waterlily
boy Tara you sure are quick and if the high heel fits darling...why complain? about a heartless pain?

2005-10-15 05:09:02bedazzled