Steal My Country, by Hope in A Bottle Subscribe to rss feed for Hope in A Bottle

Steal my country
Steal our fuel
Tell us we're one
When that's complete bull.

Tell us we're independant
Why even bother?
A country isn't independant
If it's ran by another.

Why does no one care.
Why can't someone act?
We could all stand up
And take our counrty back.

Is this really my country?
Is this really my home?
We're told to respect all cultures.
But we dilute our own.

I love my country
I'll love it till I die.
But I hate this place I live
Because everythings a lie.

Pretend we're all one big country
How fucking obscene
To pretend our national antheme
Is god save the fucking queen.

(This isn't an I hate England peom)
Posted: 2005-11-15 23:24:32 UTC

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2005-12-01 20:39:43My_pain_your_thrill
Love the poem. And it is so true. xoxoxoxoxox

2006-02-07 19:29:52Faith
Well done... i like the strong emotions.