A switch flicked onto overdrive,
Frazzles my swollen brain alive,
A strained friendship starts to ache,
A solid rock begins to break,
Two hearts that want to win,
Trying to buy admittance in,
A stack of work that sighs with time,
The stress that steps over a line,
The future that groans ahead,
Pressure replacing hope instead,
Misery guaranteed to magnify,
As the dreaded year goes by,
Thousands of tears waiting to drop,
A wearied body ready to stop,
Angry voices prepared to shout,
Willing to add a heap of doubt,
A score of numbers for me to make,
A million falls for me to take,
Billions of lines I need to draw,
Emotions prepared to be rubbed raw,
Dams of pain ready to flow,
A quiet voice starting to grow,
Is it really any wonder,
With the weight that I'm under,
I let composure fall to tatters,
And cut into my arm a ladder.