Timeless Impossibilties, by *Diamond Rose Petals* Subscribe to rss feed for <b><i>*Diamond Rose Petals*

    The Viewpoint of a mute, blind, and deaf person

     I hear mute sounds

I see blind wind
                 I feel lost love

  I speak soundless words
               I can feel the sound of wind

I see the dance of the wind
                       I hear flowers blooming, 
I hear nature's winter end          
        I can taste the pull of the oceans current 

I can hear a butterfly's death 
                   I can read the sounds of a sonar
 I can hear the sounds of memories etched

I can feel the pull of gravity
              I hear the rotation of the earth

I know the sound of love, I see the sounds of hurt

I can taste the temperature of red
         I can close my eyes and describe the color blue

 interpet the taste of wrong, 
                   I read along the lines of true

I hear the world through blind eyes 
                   I feel the earth through death ears

I can touch the feelings of hurt, & taste the sound of fear
        I live in a world, a world of no light, 

Yet it is always day, and still it is always night
        This is the way I see the world, 

And taste my earth of mute sound 
        Things that you do not see, I will hear, 

and things that you do not hear, I will feel.              

I interpert the earth in another way. In all the
impossibilties known to man.  

I can do all this, though I can not hear, see, or speak.   
oundless impossibilites of time, are all known to me.       

Posted: 2006-04-09 15:21:50 UTC

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