How Could You, by ♥Just Sam♥ Subscribe to rss feed for <font color=white>♥Just Sam♥

How could you walk by...
    as though you didn't care?
How could you pretend...
    you didn't see me standing there?
Did you know...
    As, for her, you smiled...
        I was standing there...
            crying inside all the while?
Couldn't you see me standing there?
Couldn't you see those tears i wanted to share?
How could you ignore...
    What you must have seen?
How could you ignore...
    the broken heart you left bleeding?

Posted: 2007-03-24 01:28:15 UTC

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2006-04-27 19:14:36Ananya
I think its beautiful x

2006-06-07 03:32:29Faith
I know the feeling and it does pass, although it take a while.

2008-02-14 07:56:44Invisible Poet