Real?, by wishing_on_stars Subscribe to rss feed for wishing_on_stars

How do you know if it's real?
Is it by a touch,
or a word,
or a kiss?
Is there a sure way to know?
One person can really feel a touch,
While the other doesn't too much
So how can it be a touch?
Words can be untruthful lies
Sometimes a truth can be passed by
So how can it be words?
One can be full of passion and longing
While the other sees it as nothing
So how can it be a kiss?

So how do you really know if it's real?

Copyright 2006 JEM
Posted: 2006-05-05 01:07:38 UTC

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2006-05-09 23:25:13Faith
Nope... we all could be trapped in an elaborate lie concocted by our delusional brains. Either way, enjoy the ride.

2007-03-13 02:44:02 ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~
I like this poem, It asks an age old question, but does it want any answers? A very good poem!