To : My Body, by SearchingForAnswers Subscribe to rss feed for SearchingForAnswers

We are bound to each other by nature
You my Vehicle and I your occupant
Together we've grown and had our phases
Like any long term commitment. 
Before I knew My sense of self 
Before my theory of mind, i  knew you
Kicking,screaming, crawling, walking 
Your advances outpaced my mind's by a few. 
But we've had our rifts 
An agonizing disconnect
Often i feel trapped by you 
And almost as often you are abused by my affect. 
I was naive and angry 
And of a crime that i attribute to many, 
 I too am guilty 
On you I have vented the wrath of others
And you have payed me back in plenty.  ( of pounds lol!)
If i could go back 
And tell my juvenile mind 
to see the disconnect between the mean and you 
We'd both be so much happier today than we are 
But today I am more aware of what's true. 
To get caught in a vicious cycle 
Low self esteem, high appetite 
Heavy stature, Lower self esteem 
There's many that would share my plight. 
But to grow requires a change 
To forgive the past and change the future 
So, pathetic lifesytle that i grew up in - 
I forgive you 
Small, Shallow Inadequate people
who've  judged, punished and belittled me - 
I'll try to forgive you too. 
But for my wrongdoings , accept my apology now 
For I truly do repent
All my misconceptions about the way things go 
We'll fix things beside all setbacks, I know they'll be
Neither painful memories of the past, 
nor words, nor notions of beauty, nor men 
Just health and strength in mind and body 
I wont  let those encounters get to me again. 
I'll keep my reasons right this time
And to think of you as merely an instrument of attraction is
A body that facilitates mobility, communication, agility
deserves respect 
So look in the mirror ladies & for once see more than boobs
or that thong. 
I strive to transcend archaic ideas
Of being cleopatra of the bitch pyramid, a 10, a hot chick 
I foster no desire for superficial men
nor for a sense of superiority based on skin tone,
complexion or physique.  
there's so much enhancing left to do 
And for our journey of discovery I'm excited 
I'm taking on the task of expanding horizons 
And with the consequences I'm sure you'll be delighted. 
For there's yet so much I want to do 
Before we're both ready to depart 
From our journey together, our experience of mortality
Toward strength, peace, wisdom you are my counterpart. 
Posted: 2006-05-14 05:42:36 UTC

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2006-05-25 06:28:58User
This is really not bad, but I have to say that it takes some patience to read this poem though..

2006-05-27 23:03:27SearchingForAnswers
Yeah I suffer from rantomania - being succinct just isnt one of my talents hehe - thanx fer da constructive criticism tho