Need, by A Lonely Song Subscribe to rss feed for A Lonely Song

Go ahead rip my heart out and watch me bleed
I guess you don't know what I need
You - was what I thought
You - is what I think
But go ahead and crush my dreams
It's worse than what it seems
She is what you want
She is what you love
Me — I'm just someone you passed along
Go ahead rip my heart out and watch me bleed
You are all I will ever need
Posted: 2006-09-29 00:53:37 UTC

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2006-10-09 01:17:31Awakening Me
It reminds me of the song Bleed by Anna Nalick (if you haven't heard of her go google her right now!). It is very short, but it tell a story about wanting someone but them turning on you and you learning to move on. Well done!