... darkness ..., by Subscribe to rss feed for

He threw an arrow straight threw my heart, the minuit that
we had to part.. and when i drink i tend to get sad, where
did he go.. im not gonna get mad..
I scream ur name now baby where the hell are you...
I cry and shout and plead 4 u to come back.. but you cant
hear me.. life seems dreary..
I faint and the darkness comes..
Shes strokin my face 'ley we love you, wake up ley please'
But i cant, i dont want to, i want you.. 
hold me tight, make it alright like u used to, what a sad
it was meant to be our saturday piss up.. well we defiantely
got pissed.. and now its all dark, blank and i cant see, its
best this way, cos ur not here with me.. 
i need to feel u here with me, until then i wanna stay in
this darkness, need to feel your kiss, who's that comin now?
kneelin over me.. its chris, but eventhough he looks like u
he aint u n i dont know what to do.. 
darkness is my best friend tonight, cos i dont wanna wake up
and see day light cos it jus stabs at the pain i feel cos i
cant beleive its true that theres no more me n u.. i miss
you so much..

For mark, i miss him so much.. i love u xxx

© copyright, RYDER CB X
Posted: 2006-09-29 14:04:23 UTC

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2006-09-29 14:09:24DefeatedBehindBlueEyes_x
that poem is really sweet, my poems are old ones that i wrote when i lost and was with someone, not saying who, but u knw, everything changes xxx