.I wanna lay down
Kick, screaming through the night
I've lost
So why can't I give up
This long lonely fight?
My head meets the wall
And bangs till it's sore
I'm broke, weak and gutted
I can't take much more
You're gone, no way
You went, didn't want to stay
For my screwed up insecurities
Now my heart has to pay
My heart's broken ....
Kinda deflated, ripped in two
Try telling it's shreds
That it doesnt love you
Brain tries telling my heart
"Your not needed no more
She's had enough
You're a fool, it was the final straw"
But my heart doesn't understand
Why it's love isn't there
No matter how much I hurt
My head screams "She don't care!"
It misses, it needs
It wants, it wants, it wants and it burns
In the sleepless dark nights
Not releasing it yearns
Go away heart, like me you're not needed
Little trickles of moisturem
On my face, shiny, glistening and beaded
My heart and it's fears
Make me cringe, shrink, always so close to tears
I wants to scream
As I've destroyed my dreams
She's not coming back
Not ever, it seems
So now heart, you ,.,.,.,.better relent
It's over and done
Though you loved her
And kinda thought she was The One
Doomed from the start
From where ever it began
I know heart, you weren't ready
I should have listened and run
"I want, I need..."
"Sod off heart, I've got nothing left to bleed"
My heart now goes away
It's curled up and destroyed
And you won't care to read me
Because you, I annoyed
I'm a broken bundle of raw, fused-together nerve
"Now run along .....
You got only what you deserved"
And I will, very soon
It's just that at the min'
I'm as dence as a buffoon
Which no longer causes smiles, like that gas from a balloon
I loved you
Heart now cries
"Wander off little boy
Go dry tired eyes
You need to realise
There's only pain left in here
You'll be strong again one day
That I hope .......... is near
It's hard to let go
Of someone you thought loved you
Like a bond, unbreakable
Joined togther .,.,.,.,like tissue
But you must, you must
You must regain your life
Forget, dont dwell on the one
Who mentioned she'd be........a wife
Now run along, small insecure child.
Broken, insignificant boy
(this is now brain speaking).,.,.,feh,..,.'oh joy'.
I told you so.
'Yeh I-don't-wanna-know'
Pack your bags, up and off
You outstayed your welcome you know
Do as She said
"Get bent, get lost, leave me alone and just go"
"I hate her"
"No you don't"
"Oh yes I do!"
"Ok, think as you will
Whatever gets you through
Now go on boy and don't stop to dwell
No longer will you smile, when she says 'you shmell'"
"I want to die"
"Ok heart, you can
But you might be needed one day
When boy turns to man"
A blurred screen, people are soon due home
Now run along
Head down, to aimlessly roam
a plip of wet tear
on an oak colored table..,.,
uh oh,,.,.,.brain /heart/brain/heart,.,.
that red mist,.,.,.so unstable,.,.
"I don't care
I don't care"
"Oh yes you do!
Cos it lights up your life
When you're told ..,......,.,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,'I love