Taking Hold, by Forbidden Heart Subscribe to rss feed for Forbidden Heart

Make words work:make them tell the tale you want to tell.
Let them show who you are and how you feel: use words well.

Move words around: make them step out, march, advance.
Feel the pulse of them, the sway, the spring: make words

Make wouds sound: hear them loud and clear, listen to their
Hear them hum to each other, catch their tunes: make words

Dig with words: turn up meanings, rake over, hoe.
Uncover buried stories, incantations: make words grow

Polish words now: make them glint and glimmer, cast a
Ready? Take hold then and dazzle us: wear words well.

By: Jack Ousbey
Posted: 2007-03-09 12:19:52 UTC

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2007-03-09 12:19:38Forbidden Heart
This is a poem that I got from a book called: 'One HUNDRED and ONE Favourite POEMS.' The reason why I took this poem is because it is very nice. It is the only one that attracts me from all other poems in this book...

2007-04-05 16:47:03liberty moon
its an amazing poem... dude it... wow

2007-04-10 04:18:48Chalan
This captures the spirit of poetry well. Because with poetry we are always trying to find new ways to use words and make our poetry's meaning that means more than what meets the eye.