Dylan xxxx, by Subscribe to rss feed for

Through all the fights and all the nights
I lost myself somewhere
And now im lying here- blinded by these lights
Nothing feels like it did before,
insignificant phrases-used more and more.
And then he turns around, runs to me opening the door
Mum ma ma...
While his tiny feet try to catch up with him, 
He's running before he can walk,
it seems we do it from a young age
Before we even start to talk..

I lift him from the ground
his legs dangle- and he hugs me, goodbye.
Be a good boy, i'll see you soon
You go with daddy- daddy loves you.
He waves as he's carried away, in the arms that care
I wave back
I love you baby
I know what im feeling is wrong
And that he'll be back soon
But i always miss him, and i sit alone in the room
No laughing- babys chattering is gone
The noise from the toys is now silence, and i miss him

Night time comes too quickly baby
there goes another day, your gettin bigger so quickly
shh, sleep well my little soldier,
shh, its alright
I love you baby- you sleep tight.
Crying in the night, always wakes me with a start,
Rockabye baby, its alright
I stop and listen to your tears,
they're all i've got..

While he's not there, im sure i hear him
Sometime in the night,
But he isnt there- i hug myself- he's alright..
Back to those bright lights- blinding me viciously,
Mum, mum? mum!?
He's running towards me, he's just come through the door,
You shakes me a little- i see his grown up face, smiling
down on me, and for the first time i see- its all there.. in
HIS baby...

I love you Dylan..x.x.x

Posted: 2007-03-30 14:08:20 UTC

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2007-03-30 14:11:45DefeatedBehindBlueEyes_x
Aww i actualy love it :D xxxxx