cry, by a rose by any other name would hurt just as bad.
there once was a girl
she cried
from her left eye
it signified that she cried
for her mother
the pain of loss
and the pain of her pain
the fear of it never being the same
there once was a boy
who cried
from his right eye
it signified when he cried
for his father
the faith lost
the hatrid burning
and staying away at all cost
he cant get close
he cant cry for any other
you see they never cried
from there other eyes
the girl for the mother
the boy for the father
she never cried again
after her mothers death
the girl asked god
why she couldnt be normal
cry from
her right eye
god has no answer
the boy see he doesnt mind
hes tough strong
not supposed to crack under presure
or do wrong
he asks god nothing
he doesnt cry
just because his father
never tried
but the boy comes across a girl
he doesnt see its the girl that will one day
make him cry...
shes happy
she tells her mother
when she prays
shes met this man
and as she prays tells her mother of the happy days she
cries on tear from the left for her mother and one from the
right.....for gods given angel her lover.
PS i know tis is very unfinished and needs lots of change
just give it some serios thought
Posted: 2007-08-30 22:11:36 UTC |
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2007-04-05 19:18:13 | Lil'Fighter |
Brilliant! Awesome! I love it! Thanks for the comments. |