cruelty in fate, by a rose by any other name would hurt just as bad. Subscribe to rss feed for a rose by any other name would hurt just as bad.

    its about doubt
   its about pain
    its about life
   but in the end all we have is death
    no light 
   no sanity
    no nothing
   were not going to heaven
    a place made of gold
   were not going to hell
    were everything burns
     every soul
      every person
       every day
      were gone everything 
     not including
    our oh so deluding pain
     yes were gone
      yet still never alone
     why do we tend to contemplate
      yet still to be lead astray
       no we don't know the answer
      its still so lucid
            n o t h i n g
              is clear
     except this is why were hear 
 whats in the end
  is a new begining
 and what we now know is everything with a begining 
                                             has an end
 they don't bend the rules 
                       fate can be so cruel

Posted: 2007-08-30 22:14:18 UTC

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2007-07-11 03:25:44destiny_light
wow amazing i absolutely loved it