My Fatherless Child, by PinkFairy Subscribe to rss feed for PinkFairy

I felt you grow inside me, felt you in me, i gave you life,
God made it happen you are here by my side. 
    Tiny hands, Tiny eyes, Tiny feet, A tiny person given to
    Part of me, in my arms, left alone to survive.
I watched you grow, your first smile, your first laugh, the
first time you crawl and walked, I saw a miracle in my life.

    Your are what keeps me going, your what makes me smile,
you the reason why i havent let myself die. You make me
live, you make me fight day by day you are my light in this
dark world of mine. 
     My fatherless child, is you and me, we will make it
with out him, we dont need him. 
       Im with you all the way, i will take care of you!
 I'm the one who wakes up for you, who fights for you, does
everything for you to have everthing that i could give to
       You are the miracle i needed, You will always be my
baby, my son. 
Posted: 2007-06-21 07:53:40 UTC

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2007-08-01 00:03:37Angel of Music
Good job! very well written work! ~Angel of music