XOX_.:.StIcKs*AnD*StOnEs.:._XOX, by xox_sweet_complication_xox
here the voices laughing taunting
the way there acting
i wish theyd just dissapear
the joke is always on me
Why dont they understand
that we are all the same
and we all feel lost at times
why dont they understand
that someone elses pain
is not for gain
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but not anymore
ive become invincible
shut your mouth
cause the one you wants not around
its not your place
Posted: 2007-07-03 15:49:46 UTC |
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2007-07-06 03:36:13 | ~Stay_Beautiful~20104 |
Lol.. isn't this just how we feel sometimes!! :) I can totally relate! It's so amazing how people do things "nowadays" (ha ha I sound old) and it doesn't even bother them how it could make others feel!! As a respond to the comment you left me. Thank you... I have met my g-ma twice and I try my hardest to cherish it because like you said.. before you know it... it's too late!! Well, great poem! Thanks!! Bubye |
2007-07-31 03:53:02 | Angel of Music |
wonderful job! I can totaly relate!
-Angel of music (Amanda) |