I'm not fooling anybody., by Lillian Subscribe to rss feed for Lillian

Current mood: numb

I can't cheat.  I can't wait.  I only love, and I can't

I was scared of it.  I secretly wanted it.  Now when I
think, I'm only haunted by it.
I love you, sometimes I really miss you, dear.  I want you,
and I wish you were here.
I'm angry with you, and I want you gone.  I'm upset with
you, for lying that long.
I cry for you, because I'm confused.  I forget for you, if
it's drug-induced.
This is easily the hardest part of life, having to think
about you every night.
Wishing I could tell you everything, but I know what mayhem
it will bring.
I wouldn't be me if it wasn't for you.  Now that you're gone
I don't know what to do.
So lost, so torn.  As if you were recently born.
There's nothing even I, once such a lover, can do to take it
out of your life.

Should I cheat?  Should I wait?  Should I quit loving and
start to hate?

Beats me.

[august 9, 2007 - 1:14 am - i will always love you sns]
Posted: 2007-08-10 00:07:04 UTC

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2008-02-15 07:16:31Invisible Poet
well i know his is a little behind seeing how this is your last poem i dont even know if you will get this but hang in their cheating just makes it worse trust me or dont its up to you

2008-12-05 04:49:20LostSoul
Cheating sucks!! Don't do it, if you did then don't do it again. When you cheat your being selfish.