Secrets *slight trig* , by xbeautifully_brokenx Subscribe to rss feed for <color= xbeautifully_brokenx">

We all have known secrets. There are good secrets, such as
the secret party that's going to surprise your 40 year old
mother. Some secrets are good, they fill you with
excitement, and you know you won't hold them for long.. soon
they will come out and the person will be happy, pleased...
no one gets hurt. 

Then there's the secrets that rip you apart. The soul
destroying secrets that keep you locked up in your own mind.
You can't cope holding it in, but the fear of speaking
is....oh too much! You're scared, scared that he will kill
you, scared that it will happen again..but worse. You know
that it will happen again either way..but this silence means
it's not so bad.. you'll sitll wake up the next morning.
That's if you want to.. you pray that in the morning you
don't wake up, don't face it again. 

You don't want people to hate know the real you..
know how dirty how filthy you are. You know it's your fualt,
you're scared that you'll get punished. What if no one
believes you? Why should they? You don't believe you? 

But somehow, break it..that impenetratable
silence you've kept for so long.. and the relief oh the
relief! You're no longer suffering alone! And you're still

I broke the silence, don't let them win...break yours!

               Copyright Kirsty Hatten. 

 (I wrote this based on me breaking the silence of the
abuse.. I hope it encourages someone to break their don't have to suffer alone anymore!)
Posted: 2007-09-07 00:16:28 UTC

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