It's perfect., by ♥Just Sam♥ Subscribe to rss feed for <font color=white>♥Just Sam♥

Life actually seems bearable when I'm 
with him. He is my every thought. I
can actually be happy feeling this way
because I know he feels the same way
back. He makes me look forward to the
next day so I can see him again and
wish the current day wouldn't end so
I wouldn't have to leave him all at
the same time. He makes my heart ache
whenever I'm without him. I get the
same ache when I'm with him. It's the
same old ache from previous relations.
But this time it feels good. And I like
it. He spins my world around and I can't
imagine myself without him. I just love
him and everything about him. There's
no way I can explain it right. I just
love him. For the first time, I don't
care what everyone is thinking. I know
that they think I can "do better." What
is better than the love of my life? I
don't care that they think we make a
horrible couple, because I'm happy with
him. Maybe we do make a horrible looking
couple. But we're both very happy. So
how can someone consider that a horrible
couple? We're perfect for each other
even if we're complete opposites. He is
my everything and always will be. I know
we will be together for a long time
because everything is just going perfect.
He is the only one that can tollerate all
the shit that I throw. He can tease me
and I can tease him. I love him so much.
I think everything is just going so
perfect. He's my SugarBabyRockStar. I
love him to a ridunklulas extent. This
one won't end in heartbreak. I know
because we're going to last forever. I
know it.

Posted: 2007-09-08 05:46:48 UTC

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