poisin, by lost in my own confessions Subscribe to rss feed for lost in my own confessions

you panic with a heart beating faster and faster
youdont know if its because of the something or some1
you cant figure out how to make it stop you try and try but
no cummute
you cant stop haveing pain you feel as if somone is
disecting you from the inside out
you're short of breath it begins to slow down
and as soon as you breath once more it becomes your last
breath you think of all your wrongs
you wonder why you had not fixed them before you had done
but yet you hav no regret of keeping yourself from the
your light headed now chest tighting up you pass out 
yet you still hear your thoughts
you wish your dead you hope so 
but instead no
you feel a shock
your hear begins to beat once more
you begin to cry and scream
the poisin didn't work it was suppposed to kill you
you were supposed to die
you wanted to die
you now can see again you wish you were dead
but instead...
your breathing becomes deeper
you scream once more your eyes open,
you begin to cry
you see your mother and how much pain She is in
and you finally figure out you just cant die
for if uou do your mother would commit suicide
you love her so much
you cant stop the tears
you say so slightly and oh so soft you whisper
"mommy I love you,"
and then begin to drift off
you hug her so tight and you again say something
right before your now last breath
you say, "Im so sorry momma I love you so very much good
bye, momma, I'm sorry....."______________________________
and your mom so sad
so much pain you've givein and then you have now
It was all just a

Posted: 2007-11-19 23:30:36 UTC

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2007-11-20 02:33:18destiny_light
omg that was so good

2007-11-20 20:13:31lost in my own confessions
^-^ tank u rachel =P

2007-11-22 06:05:29destiny_light
np :D