He who was born tonight (holiday poem), by PinkFairy Subscribe to rss feed for PinkFairy

I’ll tell you the story of the one who was born tonight,
The creator of life and light;
     The angels sang upon his birth, sounded the trumpets ,

And  the shepherds did heard it,
Who saw the bright star , and were frightened, but
     Yet searched, and they found truth.

 In a manger, The Son of God, the eternal King, 
The savior for all human kind.
That came to bring us salvation, 
And to free our soul from eternal hell;
He whom brings the word and the path for eternal life in

The Son of God, Made in Flesh
Lays in a manger, he who died for our sins,
So that whosoever calls upon his name and 
Believe in him may be saved and live eternally. 
Posted: 2007-11-30 07:00:38 UTC

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