A journey, by Annie B. SnowRaven Subscribe to rss feed for Annie B. SnowRaven

17:09- It’s beautiful outside. I mean it’s cold and a
bit windy but… it’s pretty. The clouds don’t look
gray; they look rather light purple, making the houses look
dark yellow instead of white. The clouds are not covering
the sky completely, so there is still a bit of blue and
white up there.
I bet everything would look ten times prettier if I get on
the roof.

But… should I?

17:52- after finishing studying for my tests I decided to go
up on the roof after all.
 I just got back.
The view from my window shows that it’s getting dark
outside. The clouds are not purple, they are dark blue now.
I can’t even see the view anymore! Just the reflection of
my room.
It’s different up there, on the roof. It always was. But
today was special… unique.
I didn’t feel like I was choking from the heat in my room.
I felt chilly, and loosened up…

I walked up the newly decorated stairs carefully. Afraid of
falling while stepping each and every step. As I finally
reached the opened doorway to the roof of our house… and
simply walked through it… I was a different person.

A cold breeze touched my burning face, and broke through the
empty spaces in my clothes. Kidnapping the heat and warmth
out of my body.
I walked around the edges. Observing the village houses and
streets, watching the people pass by, like a guardian angel.
Then I stepped a few steps until I was standing in the
center on the top of my home.
I took a deep breath, and then closed my eyes. I was
drowning in the air around me. And that icy breeze ran
through my nose into my lungs. 
Making me feel something… unusual… different…
I opened my eyes and looked up… the clouds were light
purple as they were from my window earlier. With white puffy
spots that looked like pillows.
I love the clouds. And their weird shapes, that can enchant
you in their own way. Like they did to me minutes ago.

I felt nothing. I could not hear my brother and sister
fighting downstairs, for the sound of prayer echoed in my
ear. I could not smell, for the air that was surrounding me
did not allow it. I could not talk, for my mouth was sealed.
I could not think, for there was not anything to think
about. I could not remember, for my heart had distracted my
mind. Forcing it to let go of its problems and doubts. “No
tests, no judgment… no more” my heart said. And
finally… I could not see, for I was lost in the bright sky
colors above me.

I walked down the stairs carefully again, and got back to my
room. To where I am now.

Everything is black behind my glass window now. Showing
nothing but darkness, through out the rest of the night.
Posted: 2008-05-11 09:00:56 UTC

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2008-05-12 03:55:25Katelyn7
np and aww thxz i love the way u wrote this!

2008-05-27 10:22:33MorbidMaiden
I love it when you write poems like this :-) I love the part "I felt nothing... for I was lost in the bright sky colours above me" - it's so real, I can almost feel the wind on my face, and the cold. This is one of my favourites of your poems :-)