Matthew Twenty Four (3), by ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~ Subscribe to rss feed for  ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~

Gas prices 
Stock Market 
People are reeling 
To and fro. 

Banks are 
As if they were 
We're adjusting our 
While walking through 
The door. 

Minds are 
And mouths 
Anger and chaos 
Is rampant once more. 
It's like we have never 
Tightened our belts, 
For greed is our policy 
Forever wanting more! 

Wake up Brethren, 
Call on your Maker. 
His Word so divinely 
Has answered His chore. 
Believe in the Son, 
Claim His Salvation! 
And rest assured, 
Nothing like this before! 

Our fathers before us, 
Have shown us the pathway. 
But we trampled it down, 
That's for sure! 
They' re asked, "What's happening"? 
But all they will tell us, 
Is don't hold your money, 
Just go with the flow! 

It's time we admit it , 
That time is upon us! 
And what can we do, 
If we don't choose the Lord? 
A dreadful time coming; 
No words can describe it 
But Brethren, 
It is written in Matthew 24. 

Capristar/ Glowz 
Posted: 2009-10-28 00:31:45 UTC

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2008-10-17 04:30:55Faith
What a message! So good! I've missed reading your poems, it's been awhile. I hope you're well.

2008-10-21 22:15:23 Kirsty (living in the light)
Hey Glo, I miss you sooooo much I know I haven't been in contact but i lost your email addy and loads of stuff has been going on back at home, i really miss you .. please get in contact with me again soon love you dearly x

2009-06-13 07:04:48Trenton Rumsey
Yes, I agree with you. Put your faith in the Lord and you'll be taken care of.

2010-07-23 05:24:00~Stay_Beautiful~20104
Gloria... You. Are. AMAZING!!!!!!! You know that, right? You always have such unique, creative, effective, and efficient ways of saying things that always leave a huge impression upon your readers! And that's what poetry's all about! Thanks for being such an amazing role model and friend =] Love ya!

2010-09-27 03:10:46 ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~
thank you! :)