When out in the world, my eyes were closed
I was hiding from the truth I knew could save me.
Now that I am older, and have seen all the world has to
offer, I'm no longer bound by my curiosity.
The world has nothing for me, but heartache and pain.
There is nothing in this world that can suth my pains, and
fears. Nothing that can comfort me in the long dark nights.
This world has nothing for me,
oh yes,
God does.
God is my comforter,
my love,
my joy,
my peace,
my strengh,
my sheild,
my shelter,
my father,
my friend.
God is.
God is my begining
my end,
my start,
my finish.
God is my A
through my Z
my alpha
my omega.
God is my leader,
yet walks with me side by side.
God is my warmth through the storm,
my power through trials and tribulations.
God is my one,
my only,
my past
and my present.
God is.
He is there when i go to sleep, and when i wake.
He is there when no one else is around.
When all my crys can get me are an echo,
God brings me to a shelter.
When you need a friend,
a mother,
a father,
a sister,
a brother,
when you are all alone,
and have no one to comfort you,
when all you can do is think of what you've done,
what you're doing,
where you've come from,
or who you've become...
all you have to do,
is calmly look into yourself,
say I'm tired,
tired of this life,
tired of this artificial high,
tired of this addiction, whether it be drugs,
or even the computer,
say I'm tired,
I'm thirsty,
thirsty for a drink that will not only
quinch my thirst for the moment,
but for eternity,
say that you are ready to be free,
free of this world, it's sorrows, and it's pains,
all you have to do is look inside yourself,
and then look up,
and say