Twined and Twined Around You, by little_irish_rose
Alast! Evince thy love for thee
among the wilted, battered rose
brush thou kiss agaist mine knee
shivers warmth unto thine toes
amidst thine people of better known
canst see these eyes for which they are
against mine will kepp close to home
bound my heart with ancient scars
conceal thou ever woeful face
to vanish with such squalid qill
for emptiness will take your place
and love will be it's ever kill
hold fast thy rapid beating heart
go forth into uncharted paths
for greater love thou play a part
or loose thy soul and feel its wrath
for let me go, unleash thy hold
begin a lifetime living true
to heart nd mind and tales untold
undreamed of deeds that we shall do
upon arrival i'll take you hand
and press it gently close to mine
vast, unrevealed and propituous land
be so true and ever kind
in thine heart i know its hope
its will and wish and secret name
tightly bound with ancient rope
for evermore will feel the same
softly call your heart to mine
a whisper of such longing dues
bind be ever with this twine
will my heart be bound to you |
Posted: 2009-01-16 03:12:16 UTC |
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