Analyzing myself, by papaya
I hate you for making me taste this "love"
I am addicted to it and there is nothing I can do.
I want to be loved, but there is no one
You were the one who bring this subject to my life
My brain is telling me to sense with my brain rather than to
feel with my heart...
You, my first love, dumped me coz you think I was too smart
for you...
He, my close friend is taking my hands off his hands and
holding another one's...
You left me and I can't lean on my special best friend
Is it because I am so what you once called " way to
intelligent to be in love?"
Am I
Way too serious?
Way too smart?
way too practical?
What if I had never tasted "love?"
What if I had never touch this " elusive butterfly?"
I am in trouble now...
I can't stop analyzing... my sad love life
But, there is a lot of work and resposible to be done as a
hard working college student..
So, I will put on my mask,...
and let no one see this broken heart which is about to be
heal, but is crashed again without knowing it.
I will be simling on the surface, but crying aloud inside
and.. thinking...
Why it is me?
Why am I a victim?
Why this is happening to me?
Posted: 2025-03-09 20:20:52 UTC |
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