what do you want to say to me , by Josiah Hammond :) Subscribe to rss feed for Josiah Hammond :)

i'm feelin all tingly inside
cause i know soon you'll be right outside
a couple glances out my window
and then i see you sparkle like a Cristal
and you have caught my eye
oh you've caught my eye
now meet me up stairs
ya right here
and ill say to you what i've been thinking so long
ya that's it baby i love you

so just sit right by me
and say what you think about me
cause i just want to stair at you
for the rest of the day

so lay right by me
and ill tell you what u think of you
ill whisper in your ear
all i want to hear
just promiss me that your not leaving soon
cause i cant handle you leaving the room
you mean so much to me
i love you more
then tree hugers love trees
but please promiss me you wont leave =)

josiah hammond

Posted: 2009-03-26 23:05:25 UTC

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