L.O.V.E, by Janae_WITH pasion Subscribe to rss feed for Janae_WITH pasion

what does the word love mean?

how do i get the love i want?

how do i give love to others?

does love scare,hurt, or haunt?

can love be a certain person?

why cant i see love?

is love abovwe the clouds?

or way way way beyond?

can love be unconditional?

can it save me from despair?

can it moisturize my soul, like shampoo does to hair?

i slove hard to understand?

is it the only way out of trajedy?

is like a right hand man?

love has many peices like a puzzle

it never hurts or harm 

but love is unconditional 

if you have it in your heart
Posted: 2009-05-07 03:12:11 UTC

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2009-05-07 19:16:59!!! A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD !!!

2009-05-10 13:45:25izzy
this is great, something that we can all relate to.

2009-05-18 21:27:23Natural_beauty_Ashe
this is very interseting and well wrote.i understand where ur coming from and it is so true.