northeast springtime, by queen of melodrama
The skies of dismal grey clouds
are almost a memory
The sun shines brightly,
but the brisk wind
still carries a bitter chill.
The naked trees,
still clenching a few dead leaves
are finally starting to bud...
soon they will make their spring debuet,
adorned in ensambles
of brilliant green hues.
The little songbirds
are anxiously trying to beckon
mother nature to visit
a bit early this year
with their melodies
that take me back to childhood
the Cardnal, the Blue Bird
the Robin red breast
all come back at this time
from their winter hiatus
to perform each morning,
a harmonious spring sonata
its just before the bugs
come out to annoy the BBQ's
and before the ant colonies
wake up and put on their picnic radar
the newborn kittens are just starting
to open their tiny eyes
and the groundhogs have finished their
shaddow dancing
its a time of new beginings
of new resolutions, of new goals
I sit here, chin in hand
not sure...what way
Posted: 2005-09-24 22:17:21 UTC |
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