Those Words, by die for my poetry Subscribe to rss feed for die for my poetry

Solutions aren’t always as
simple as people say they are.
Sometimes good bye is the
only way.
For the best.
Yes I will plead
for you not to leave.
This good bye is the
only way.
This don’t mean I wont
think about you.
Just not as much.
Please don’t think less
of me because my mind is
made up.
Who knows what will
await us in our
As I close my front
door and give you one last
kiss a tear rolls down my cheek
as I say please don’t
think any less.
You walk away and say
is there anything
less I could possibly think?

The world is already grey enough
why make my heart
shatter because of you?
I keep my self
from letting the
river flow.
The words burn
I never wanted something
as much as this before.
Just to close my door and
make the pain go away.
I shut the door and slide down
leaning against the side wall
as I replay them words in
my mind.
As my eyes feel with
tears and starts to
roll down my cheeks
I wander are you
actually meaning what you just
I grab the closest
sharp object and start to put it
to my wrist.
tensing my arm up
getting my adrenalin
I slice my wrist
a few time.
blood starts running down my
chest as I hold the wound close
what have I done
I lie down the pain has now
stopped but my life is stopped too.

Posted: 2010-02-17 15:03:03 UTC

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2010-02-17 15:15:58die for my poetry
If you like my work you may be interested in becoming my friend and getting to know me so if you want you can text me i don't bite trust me 1479-227-0591

2010-02-22 22:54:43KK
This poem kind of reminds me of my own thoughts...

2010-03-23 09:08:10AccidentalPisces
a window to a tortured soul--much like mine