Wisdom often requires, by sushil bansal Subscribe to rss feed for sushil bansal

quotations."People compare attributes with others and draw
inferences about what they themselves are like"----Sushil

2."Most of our personal identities are sealed in comparative
terms from the social world". -----Sushil.

3."people are not passive, as the model assumes".--sushil.

4."Thinking too much about why we feel the way we do about
something can sometimes confuse us and undermine true

5."People with high self-esteem are more likely to be
thinking of themselves in positive terms at a given time
than people suffering low self-esteem"----Sushil

6."Mood state influences the accessibility of positive and
negative self-views"----Sushil

7." We select appropriate images of ourselves depending on
what role we wish to play in a given situation"-Sushil

8."Chemical imbalances in the brain can trigger positive and
negative thoughts about oneself"---Sushil

9."How a person think of themselves depends largely on the
social role they are playing"---Sushil

10."The more distinctive the attribute, the more likely it
will be used to describe oneself"---Sushil

11."situations in life are important to humans, and they
change their views with time."---Sushil

12."self-enhancement needs lead people to seek information
about themselves in such a way that they are likely to
conclude that they truly possess the qualities"

13."Accurate self-knowledge can also be instrumental in
maximizing feelings of self-worth"---Sushil

14."Success is one of the number of things that make people
feel good about themselves"---Sushil

15."We feel more comfortable and secure when we believe that
others see us in the same way that we see ourselves"

16."The basic fundamental goal to any living thing is

17."Knowing what one is really like can sometimes help an
individual to achieve their goals"---Sushil

18."Avoid and reject information which presents
inconsistencies with their beliefs"---Sushil

19."wisdom do not depend on age"---Sushil

20."Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice
in the public squares."---Sushil

21."He who leads others by nonviolence, righteously and
equitably, is indeed a guardian of justice"---Sushil
Posted: 2010-03-30 19:29:34 UTC

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