What If I Had A Secret..., by excutterxoxo Subscribe to rss feed for excutterxoxo

what if i had a secret,
but i couldn't tell u,
and if i had,
then i would have to kill u too...

and then u looked at me,
and then u asked why.
but i couldn't tell u,
so i would have to deny.

it is a secret like no other,
it should never be told or even exist.
yet the day it had come alive,
i knew it had been a risk.

yet it had to be,
it was my destiny,
and even though i didn't like it,
it was now a part of me.

yet every secret they say a family and friend should know,
but this one should never be told.
because if the secret ever got out,
my world would start to unfold.

what if i had a secret,
and it over my life,
and even when i had ignored it,
it had pulled me toward the knife.

and every time the secret seemed to have been known,
i would have a panic attack and felt as if i could not
and even when i was calm,
i was never as filled with ease.

this secret i cannot tell anyone,
for a while i couldn't have even told myself.
but now she knows,
and my heart just fell...

its something that should not exist,
it doesnt even make sense.
i try to still live my life,
but then i start to get tense.

what if i had a secret,
but it wasn't one, but two.
what if it was even more then that,
and i could not keep them all from you.

we live in a world,
where no one can keep secrets,
and every secret finds its way out,
no, these arent just myths.

but how am i supposed to tell u,
something that took years to even say to me,
and what if u gave up on me,
but then again i wouldnt blame you and would let it be.

what if i had a secret,
and it was an unusual kind of secret,
but i asked for your secret,
and you had the same secret,
so why have a secret?...
.......why not?.......
Posted: 2010-05-19 03:12:48 UTC

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2010-05-02 22:31:18
this is very good! you have a real gift for writing ;)