you, by Althea Bygrave Subscribe to rss feed for Althea Bygrave

how can you say you dont want a relationship 

after i told u i wanted one

why didnt you tell me this before i slept with u

you asshole

you jerk

how can you say u have feelings for me 

and that i will hurt 

so u gonna a walk away

do i have no say

appearently u have made up ur mind from the get go u fool

you know what your agenda was before we slept together

you knew i was falling for you 

so now before you igve us a try you gone and walk away from

texting me you would love it if i move on

well you know what screw you

for not giving us a chance


thank you for breaking my heart into pieces

Posted: 2010-10-18 18:04:07 UTC

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