Beautiful Girls, by Tyler Jon Warnecke Subscribe to rss feed for Tyler Jon Warnecke

Beautiful Girls

By: Tyler Warnecke

What makes a girl beautiful?
Is it being short or tall, big or small?

Does it matter how much make-up
she wears, or how much pride she bears?

Is beauty about her cup size,
or is it about her feelings towards a guy?

Does it matter how many boyfriends she's had,
or that she unconditionally loves her current man at hand?

Are beautiful girls those who lose their virginity at age
or those who wait to say, 'I do.'

Beautiful girls are every girl,
tall, short, big or small, single, taken,
virgin, or if they already lost it all.

You are beautiful.
Posted: 2010-11-05 22:18:25 UTC

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