Memories of Twink, by My_pain_your_thrill Subscribe to rss feed for My_pain_your_thrill

Sitting on a rock, beneath a conical of cloud

The stars above that only you were allowed to view.

Beached on a sandbank your friends were left

You had a good time, but it was mosquitos for the rest.

Simply Twink to the many, just Stuart to a few

Eccentric and flawed

But always with a heart true.


A brother, A father, A son and a friend

Loud raucous laughter, on those days without end.

With patience and understanding, your love showed through

Always it was in you, though very few knew

That knidness was your true nature.


Feeding helicopters with chunks of fresh bread

Hunting for a picture of a horse, with only three legs

Then a search for a spider, left Tease in hysterics

A judgement of insanity was given by the medics.

Although Doc's thought you crazy, though all of us knew

This act you put on.

26, is thirteen, timesed by two.


Driving too fast, in a shiny mobile, questionable music,
your charming appeal

Blue eyes that sparkled, Twinkled with joy

When you spoke of your children, two girls and your boy.


In a lifetime of legend, you sang your own brand of song

In crazed flights of fancy, your dreams, visions, never

There for us always, if we did but ask

First with a scheme, always ready for the task.

You were Twink to the many, and Stuart to a few

But each in our hearts, carry these memories of you.

_____R.I.P. Uncle Twink_____  Thank you for the memories.
Posted: 2007-08-21 00:08:25 UTC

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2007-09-14 22:28:57 xbeautifully_brokenx
this is a neat poem, i love all your poetry because it expresses emotion so well, i hope sometime u can read mine... me x

2010-09-17 20:52:13Wingless
Beautiful, a really touching tribute. Very nicely written.