'Prayer is the believer’s weapon.', by Tasneem Qaiser Subscribe to rss feed for Tasneem Qaiser

       It is the Divine force that helps me have fun;
       It is He the Great, who gets all my work done.

       I was a simple, useless and incompetent creature,
       It is my God who has changed me into a teacher.

       I have earned many laurels, no one knows, how!
       It is my Lord’s help that has made all say,

       I just pray for the accomplishment of my mission,
       He helps me in understanding the steps to be taken.

       I work as directed by my very dear God Almighty,
       He then showers on me His unlimited generosity. 

       I don’t really realize, but impossible things
       To prove my faith, ‘Prayer is the believer’s

Posted: 2011-08-29 15:59:01 UTC

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