The Light at the End, by Markuz
walking along on a
blind mindless trip.
unconscious of the where or the why.
stuck in thought...
all day i fought
the delusions of mind and heart.
so lost in thought i lost my way
and quickly the sky was losing its day.
but soon two paths crossed to one at the bend
and the only hope shined from a light at the end.
closer and closer
the light drew me in;
following the bright white siren's call...
but the light began to flicker
wildly it danced
though there were no disturbances to speak of
which could throw off the flame's trance.
but by the same token
the flame could not live
such was it enclosed- and yet separated- that its very
sustenance was compromised with every passing moment.
too late i came to realize
the light was just a flame
it could not last nor would it fight for life
but rather sucumb to the troubles and strife
and tearfully i sat and and wondered why?
how could my hope become such a lie?
Was my faith falsely placed in an
imaginative glow?
but no...i couldn't be...
and so i stood
physically stunned and confused
but all the while empty in thought.
and i walked along
on a damp dark path...
with no light at the end to save me.
Posted: 2005-01-28 21:22:09 UTC |
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