It's Possible, by Ky Moet Subscribe to rss feed for Ky Moet

You look in the mirror and what do you see
A young girl and who she plans to be
A movie star with dreams of a rapper
Low self esteem that has boosted high
She see's herself as the girl who played precious
Hurt all the time even though she tries to think positive
She wants to go to college but deep down inside thinks its
Wants to be quiet but also wants to be heard
Look in her eyes and what will you see
A million things run throuh your mind so it's hard to tell
She wants to b a poet and a designer
If the world lets her open up maybe she would speak
She has to save herself but instead she wants to save the
Nothing is impossible if she just believes
To think and feel how this young girl feels would hurt so
She has worries that no one knows, or maybe they know but
just dont care
Her and her grandmother are becoming very close
she hopes it continues
"You are destined for greatness" is what people tell her
All she has to do is tell the Girl in the mirror to tell
that to her mind and heart
Anything iss possible if you just believe
Posted: 2012-11-12 00:55:25 UTC

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2012-11-12 21:41:38Golden Ghetto Kidd