Let It Flow, by Interlude Subscribe to rss feed for Interlude

I shut the door silently,
Lock it quickly,
Reach for the bedside drawer,
Pulling out my only realise,
I let it flow,
I let it flow,
I let it flow across my arms,
Down my legs,
Across my chest,
And all the time,
Fear falls from my eyes,
The pain is painless,
Just a momentary glimpse,
Of the love inside,
I know its wrong,
I know it’s a quick fix,
But I can’t find the cure,
There is no cure,
If there is,
You are it,
But what if the cure is tainted by the illness…
What then?

There is no rhyme, no rhythm, just a message, a message to a
Posted: 2005-06-15 20:26:59 UTC

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