Blue, by ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~ Subscribe to rss feed for  ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~

   is a color
  Blue is a hue
 Blue is a statement
Blue is true blue too!
Posted: 2013-05-07 02:38:41 UTC

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2013-06-11 10:53:39Chuck Shorter
As always Glo, you sure a real true blue. This is what I call a short, sweet poem which actually speaks volumes on what many consider a simple word. Keep up the awesome work Luv, Chuck

2013-06-12 00:14:33jaclyn
so i know this has noithing to do with the poem but i got a question is love real or just a mind game cause i really loved someone and then he changed and now hes all mean and like hates me even though befor he was my best friend and even offered jackets on ccold days but now i dont love him because he changed and im super sad that he did makes me cry email at [email protected]