Traveling through my veins,
Keeps me alive,
Saves lives who are lacking,
Hiding and purple,
Exposed and red,
Warm as it runs down my arm,
Cold as it reaches the white tile floor below me,
One drop becomes nine drops against the floor,
It's under my nails now,
Stained my shirt,
Darkened my pants,
Soiled three towels,
While wiping the maroon puddle on the floor,
And drying my crimson-covered arm,
Finding the bandages,
To cover my deep wounds,
Finding a long-sleeved shirt,
To cover my bandages,
To hide my shame from the world,
And my hurt from the world,
The blood still lies in my veins,
And under my sleeve,
And under my bandages,
Hiding from the blade that lies in my hand. |