Destiny, by Karsten Subscribe to rss feed for Karsten

I can't put into words what made My lip quiver when we
It wasn't love the first time
Just a drunken night of bliss
I never knew a girl like you would fall for a goofball such
as myself
It was quite surprising when I realized we were face to
It had been some time since a women was standing in that
space you were half a year older than I was it a mistake?
Did you trip and fall and your lips just landed
in that place?

However it happened,

it happened

and I couldn't have 
asked for more

Later that night I lent you my coat you said it smelt like
and you held it close
There has to be something between us
Collywobbles get the best of me every time my screen lights
up from you texting me 
My lip still quivers with every kiss could this be love from
drunken night of bliss?

I laugh 'til
my stomach hurts
our birthdays are 
six months apart

Your eyes skip the 
beat of my heart

I call all your make up

Cover up

Because it hides your 
True beauty's mark
We are together now
We sleep in the same bed
I love it when I wake up before you and get to watch you
You are so peaceful

So beautiful

But your hair is a mess
Sometimes you snore it just makes me love you more
A woman with such radiance can still be human and my lip 
still quivers when we kiss
I wish the story ended here
But I must confess
There is a reason my lip quivers every time we kiss
All of a sudden distance grew
You had no time for me
I still had time for you
Then came the lies the tormenting of my mind the late nights
and the "Iloveyouless" goodbyes

The cheating

The fighting

The stress

And the crying
I didn't know what to do
What could I do?
My lip quivered for you
I just wanted explanations 
you said sorry walked out and that was the end of the

You moved in with your sister 
I drank to escape the feeling of despair

you never officially left me 
but I got the point
We were nothing
Now I know why my lip 
quivered when we kissed
It wasn't love on that
night of bliss
It was a warning I never heed
Telling me to turn the cheek
Posted: 2018-10-25 23:21:27 UTC

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