Everyone's always said I'm Daddy's little girl.
I think it kinda surprised you that your daughter is living
the dream you dreamt for you sons. Ive got those medals
hanging on my wall, the ribbons, the trophies, the
certificates. Me and you both have our NCCP and I'm the only
one in our family that can strike you out, beat you in
basketball, run as fast as you. I can yell as loud as you,
I'm as stubborn as you and just like you I'll never give up.
You've always been my insiration, wheather its shooting that
ball, swinging that bat, pinning someone to the mat or
getting 100% on a test. I know you wouldn't approve now, but
in a couple years it's going to make you proud that I can
tip back that bottle and take a swig of whiskey without
flinching. I can still sing those country songs as loud as
you, and probably just as bad. One day I'll be driving your
ugly truck, and I'll probably crash it too. I know I do
things now that you wouldn't like, but its good that you
still allow me room to grow. And even though you still think
that you'll never let a stupid boy break my heart, you don't
know your to late. I've had to make some tough desicions,
alot of them that I shouldn't have had to make, sometimes I
mad some really bad mistakes that lead to some pretty
horrible things. But I did ok. I know its hard for you to
watch me grow up. I'm not that little girl, and maybe I grew
up faster than I should have. I'm not going to sit on your
knee anymore, and I'm not going to run to you with a cut
knee, You can't dry my "crocodile tears" anymore. But one of
these days your going to see me graduate, your going to walk
me down that isle, I'm going to get my MD and eventually
you'll get to hold my little girl. But even through all that
I'll still love you, and things are hard right now, but
they'll get better. Even if Mom doesn't love you, I still do
and I always will.
your baby girl. |