I Can't Take It, by LaShawnna
Can't you see I'm about to blow, I have so much pressure on
me.Your constant nagging is killing me, I can't take it.I'm
off the ledge.I'm falling into the dark abyss and I'll keep
falling until I end it all.You think by nagging your helping
me, but all its doing is writing my suicide, I can't take it
I'm to end it all tonight.I hate leaving my man, but I must
since I've been pushed to far.So when he ask why you can
tell him why, I thought you would change but I learned quick
that wasn't going to happen.So I can finally rest in peace
tonight, because I'll feel no more pain, I know you wont beg
and plead I wouldn't want that anyways.I can't take it so my
life must end before it gets worse, so goodbye my nightmare
I'll finally be happy tonight.
Posted: 2005-10-30 16:30:07 UTC |
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