If I think about you enough, your standing in front of me,
and smiling, and im looking back at you. If I breathe
heavily enough I could pretend your there, making me do it.
If I talk or scream loudly enough I could pretend I was
stood on a tower telling the whole world that I love you,
even if im not.
If I cry enough I could swim to your house, and cry a little
bit more and there will still be enough to fill the oceans,
seas and swimming pools.
When I cry though, nobody seems to listen, or atleast
don’t ask me why im crying.
If I dream hard enough I could make it reality, I’ve
never dreamt that well…
Touching your hands with mine seems so nice to me, and
you’re always so warm. Thinking about you makes me
think harder until I decide maybe its best to stop thinking,
because there I am, crying, again. I don’t need you to
have a cool car, or even a car at all. I don’t need
you to have money or be super toned and fit, cos to me you
already are. And I don’t need you to have spiked up
hair, or really expensive clothes n shoes. I don’t
care what all the other girls think, cos to me, you’re
Chris n that’s all that’s ever mattered, always
be yourself. Never tell me to leave you alone, its just not
worth your time, I will never leave you, because I need you.
Nobody ever realised, not until now, how much you mean to
me. Like a drug, or a medicine, I need you to be ok,
you’re like a drug, im addicted to you, need you, want
If I run fast enough I could lift off of the ground, but why
go to all the effort when you could touch me and my feet
would lift off of the ground anyway.
If I sing for long enough I could loose my voice, but
what’s the point in that if when you kiss me I am
speechless anyway? Cos you always knew how to take my breath
© copyright, RYDER CB X