Not a poet, by Product of Gods Love Subscribe to rss feed for Product of Gods Love

I'm not a poet nor have i ever claimed to be just gotta mind
filled with thoughts begging to be let free all you can get
outta me is the real me not a fake front or something
conjured up  Maybe I'm not a poet but the words coming from
my heart flow out so you wouldn't know it. Tears spring
forth from my eyes Just begging for Gods grace and mercy
Help me! But I'm not a poet and you know it but maybe its
something I'd like to be just so I can let the world see
what Gods do'n through me
Posted: 2005-02-02 21:39:03 UTC

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2005-07-20 22:52:10Freedom Nabihi

2005-10-26 23:04:49~*PuRely*DeVine*~
loved it

2005-11-12 21:09:24 Kirsty (living in the light)
are you a christian

2006-06-08 08:41:57User
You are a poet..if not you wouldn't even be here..isn't it..??

2008-11-27 06:14:07Kalonji 3ver Bless

2009-09-07 03:04:21John Turner
I would just like to say BRAVO!!! OH and one more thing you might not claim to be a poet but this is magnificant once again bravo