Openings and Stuff, by Chibi Tsunami Subscribe to rss feed for Chibi Tsunami

Hi there. I am Chibi Tsunami or  "C-T" as some people like
to call me. Just for the hell of it, I'm a freshman in high
school out in Cali who loves to write, since I hate math and
can't depict an inequality from a no-solution problem, lol.

Songs, poems, fanfics, short stories, novels, and even comic
bits...if I can use my creative brain half, I am all set and
happy. It's fun, need I say more? ^_^ I just hop you enjoy
my poems and songs. If I could sing and play an
instrument...hell, I'd be set for life. Psh, but this is
reality, so deal with it Chibi Tsu. 

I write songs (mostly) for a few reasons. But one of them is
to express a message and a feeling that a lot of people
maight have. Whether it be love, anger, sorrow, regret, joy,
or wutever, I use my creativty to relate to those who need
it. So therefor, it's more for the people out there - even
if some are based on real live events that have happened to

Well, I'm not exactly a songwriter and I don't judge myself
on my skill, but I like to do it and rhyming is fun. So read
my work if you're interested. Oh, and before I forget, I
have a diary on the sister-site to this place. if u know
about it, I'm in there. just an FYI...

oh, and here's the Key/Legend that will help you with
anything in my songs...
(*) = It's really happened to me

~~~ = Hold the sinal sylabal for a while, like 
"Yoooooooou!" would be be "You~~~"

v.1/v.2 = verse 1/verse 2 
1.2/2.2 = verse 1 part 2 

another FYI... ^_^

Thanks a bunch!Ja!
Chibi Tsunami

Posted: 2005-02-12 21:22:47 UTC

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2006-06-29 04:34:34User
Hi..hi..nice to meet you too..

2008-01-21 03:29:31Craney
Oh, man I also write songs and, your rythms are really fun