Thank You(2), by ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~ Subscribe to rss feed for  ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~

Thank you For all of the good things that you have given

When I think of everything that I didn't even know to Thank
you for in my life, I feel so ashamed!

When I think of myself in view of all of your loving
Kindness and goodness,I want to run and hide.

How Long you have persued me! upon gaining my heart body And
soul, you didn't laugh at me triumphantly.
When I cried great tears of regret and sorrow,You only Said
my Child, Welcome Home!

You loved me with a love that melted my heart and made me
Want to be yours forever.

You tore down all of the strongholds that were built up in
My life,with the sweet love of a Father.

After all of the demolitions you performed on me,you begin A
new work in this broken vessel.

I can feel the artisan in your hands, the perfect stroke Of
a master at work.

I know that when you are finished with this work that you
Chose to re-create in me.

I am, and I shall be, the work of The Master's strong Hand,

A vessel of honor ,made durable and useful, and finally,

My Lord Jesus, I Thank You !


© Copyright 2005 Glostarg All rights reserved. 

Posted: 2008-03-25 04:40:23 UTC

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2005-11-30 16:22:01Faith
Wow! This poem is so touching, it almost makes me want to cry! Kepp up the good work..

2007-11-14 17:29:37~*~VanessaBrownrigg~*~
hey I am new to this site but You have alot of great writtings!

2011-12-19 09:00:14Simply-Me-20104
Just absolutely beautiful Glo! Your words are always so powerful, so loaded with meaning, and just so... beautiful! Love ya!!