December Dream(8), by ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~ Subscribe to rss feed for  ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~

December 19,2005

Tonight I am writing about a dream I had last week.(actually
4 days ago) It was such a weird dream for me , because I
have not dreamed much at all  lately, and for me to dream
this which seemed to me to mean something. It just
 seemed like an important dream!
the reason I am writing this one down is so I dont forget
it. I know it means something for me somewhere in my

....  Troubled Dreams?

 ...This Dream Made me want to call it the Righteous

 ......anyway I dreamed I was walking down this highway,and
it was an asphalt highway which was about 1-2 feet thick, on
this dark black asphalt  as I walked along this road it
begin to rise and be elevated into the air. I had no other
option but to  keep walking on this  road,as it still was
rising in heights. I had someone with me walking too but
until today I had forgot who it was, then while talking with
 niki  today,I seemed to remember my dream and it seemed
like the person walking behind me on this highway was my
grandaughter Jessica. anyway, I kept walking along on it and
(suddenly the road swells and it bows high into the sky!)

 I have a fear of heights and so I begin to struggle in my
walk up this highway(it seems to be all uphill) and as I am
walking... very hard to do too! I end up crawling up this
highway and  digging my hands into the pavement and
literally pulling myself up the road. I look up and at the
top of the bowed highway..I see a huge vehichle(possibly a
service utility vehichle(us army?) or like a Hummer only
bigger and it was dark brown  or blackish in color. it had 6
or 8 double wheels on it like a semi truck w/trailor. I felt
scared for a lack of space and since my fear of heights was
in full swing I dreaded moving this near the edge,but... so
this huge truck could pass me without running me over,I did
move closer to the side of the highway.

  as I was watching it come downhill toward me ,and as I was
still crawling upward on my hands and knees. I see this
white substance fluttering near the edge of the highway. I
look closer and notice that the bottom layer of the asphalt
road is lined with this white fiber, closer look or
thought,It seemed to be white linen cloth .This white linen
cloth was freyed at the edges and looked like it had been
blowing in the wind or been weather beaten for
awhile.anyway, I noticed that it was white linen material 
and that was the base of this highway made of asphalt.

( I remember thinking how odd! for, these two materials do
not seem to go together! It's not like you would think they
would if you were to build a project, I mean who would build
with (cloth material) and asphalt asphalt
too???? anyway it was what my dream was made of.
 and somehow I felt that I needed to record this one!

God Bless You...
Posted: 2008-04-22 22:20:29 UTC

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2006-01-19 18:42:54 Kirsty (living in the light)
Very good. I wrote mine as I thought how well the exam had been that morning. Recently as I walk around the school I suddenly see something which starts a story off my recent one is through the window.

2006-01-22 21:24:35Spiritual Beauty
You Know Gloria, as i rerad your dream.....well, the asphalt (black) over the cloth (white)... which tells me that that the good is alot stronger than the bad... look at it how it can uplift everything... even the heaviest thing.... but at same time the good is inside... it's a treasure in the depth of things, and we certainly have to go through hardship before we recnonize that the good has always been there inside.:) that is how i personally analyzed ur dream :), God bless you.

2006-01-25 15:13:46 ~~~~GLOSTARG~~~~
thanks Spiritual Beauty for the analogy of my dream. that really made some sense to me. I had thought of it in another way too , but this analogy of my dream by you is also right on.Thank you.blessings your way!

2006-01-26 18:24:06Spiritual Beauty
You are welcome always, God bless you too:)

2006-09-04 03:47:45User
I like this..but don't know why I can't say a word though..sorry..

2007-01-22 12:01:29FarmGirl
nice one

2007-03-28 06:52:33User
Hey there..can someone help me here on something..?I can't figure out how to change the font type,size and colour on my settings..can someone explain to me..?

2007-03-28 07:54:01User
Hey..I am so sorry,I just happen to figure out how to change the colours but still figuring out on the font size and type..sorry though..